National Months

I was just looking at a list of National Months, and I can tell you the list is nowhere near exhaustive. I don’t know if there is a national birding month anywhere else, but we don’t seem to have one in the U.S. There is however, a national bird-feeding month, but I’m not sure I’ll have much luck with that in my tiny courtyard and balcony. I doubt I would get many feathered visitors here. So I promise you, my beautiful non-feathered followers that come February you do not need to worry about my filling your inbox with photos or videos of a different bird every day for 28 days. Anyway, I might still be recovering from 2012’s national poetry month by then.

Seriously though, did you know that this is also national soft pretzel month? That’s crazy because when I lived in Indiana 20 years ago I couldn’t find a German soft pretzel anywhere. Perhaps times have changed, or else marketing has improved. In any case, I really think I should commit to eating one soft pretzel per day for the next 15 days to round out the month. Maybe there’s a good poem in this… Or not.

If worse comes to worst I should be able to bounce back soon because May is national fitness and sports month!

9 Comments Add yours

  1. David,
    So I just went to look at that list (as well as this one ) and found I have sevaral NaPoWriMo poems for 2012 that equate to some of them (totally by accident I might add):

    Did you know it’s:
    National Poetry Month (of course you do – See Day 6)
    National Military Child Month (See Day 2)
    American Cancer Society Month (See Day 14)
    National Garden Month (See Days 12 and 13 – sortof πŸ™‚ )
    Stress Awareness Month (See Day 9)
    National Donate Life Month (See Day 4)

    I might just have to go back there for more inspiration… just don’t think I’ll be writing one on
    Thai Heritage Month
    National Soyfoods Month

    But.. you never know.




    1. sonofwalt says:

      Are there any Thai foods with soy products? You could combine them and kill two birds with one poem. πŸ˜‰


    2. David,
      Ok, sounds like a challenge. I may try to work something in for those this month. πŸ˜€


    3. sonofwalt says:

      You do love a challenge don’t you? Sooner or later today I need to rise to the challenge of housecleaning, and recording day 15. πŸ™‚ I look forward to tomorrow and your thai soy challenge. πŸ™‚


    4. Ok David,
      Challenge accepted
      Challenge complete
      But you’ll have to wait β€˜til Day 16
      For the poetic feat πŸ˜‰




    5. sonofwalt says:

      oops, I think I replied under the wrong comment, but I’m sure you got it. I, by the way, am tremendously impressed with the improvements that WordPress has made since I was gone most of this past year. So easy to keep up with these things now.


  2. You know, as much as I am loving National Poetry Month, I look forward heartily to National Artisan Gelato Month. Just two weeks to go!


    1. sonofwalt says:

      πŸ˜€ tee hee


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