Walt’s Bird Report from Faylor Lake, Lost Footage from the Last Day of National Poetry Month

Bird - Blue Jay
Bird – Blue Jay (Photo credit: blmiers2)

Well, my 30 day challenge is complete. I’d change a few things in some of the videos if I could, but considering the time constraints of once per day production, I am pretty happy with how it turned out. I had wanted to give you a recap, maybe my top ten favorites from the month, but it’ll have to wait. This old bird is tired, and there is a birthday party, followed by a celebration of music, poetry, and art tomorrow. Of course another day of work awaits in between.

The poetry gig, by the way is called “Poetry Under the Paintings,” and if you in the area you can bring a poem and join us at Faustina’s Gallery in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Be sure to tell my boy happy birthday!

Bird watching always takes a back seat to poetry here on the Dad Poet blog, but during April’s National Poetry Month it got completely left behind in the traffic jam of poetry and video. As for this footage, well one of my bird brained ideas was to combine passages from Song of Myself with a little bird watching and commentary. However, most of the commentary was killed by wind on the microphone, and even had it not been, the resulting documentary would have been way too long indeed. Besides that, unless we are talking about birds of prey, I cannot speak with much authority about birds. Better for me to stick to poetry.

So since my brother Vincent, across the pond from me in Northern Ireland was asking if anyone had seen the swallows yet, here are just a few minutes of the extra footage from Day 30.

10 Comments Add yours

  1. solingenpoet says:

    What inspiring footage….it’s all so pretty!!!


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Aw, thanks. And virtually nobody but me there on that Monday.


  2. Tilly Bud says:

    Well done on completing your challenge 🙂


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Thank you, Tilly!


  3. I’m so glad you heard some little cheeseburgers at the lake! And red-winged blackbirds: I love their call, too. Many years ago, I lived in an apartment complex that had a small pond filled with cattails in the center. Every evening, a huge flock of rwb’s gathered there to trill at each other. I’d sit on my balcony and just listen as they perched on the cattails and fluttered around.

    Such a gorgeous setting for bird watching and reading Whitman! I’m glad you had such a lovely day at the lake, and thankful that you brought back so many lovely things to share.


    1. sonofwalt says:

      I really appreciate that, Jennifer. Thank you. It was a nice day, and in a different mood I might have been remiss not to share it with anyone, but with Whitman and you, I didn’t feel alone out there at all.


  4. You’re fascinating and your work is captivating and, you’re a kind dad! Plus! I love your blog! Thanks Buddy! Enjoy your fiesta~Sincerely Deb


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Oh, I am honored and humbled, Deb. Thank you. The best compliment to me is about being a kind dad. Thank you. You could say no more meaningful words to me.


  5. poetart says:

    .. and the nominee is… http://wp.me/pu9f9-Fl 🙂


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