Guerrilla Poetry for International Day of the Girl–Taking it to the Streets

I saw a post the other night on Susan Daniels Poetry blog about the opposition to the practice of creating child brides. I sent the link on to my good friend Ann Keeler Evans because I knew she could respond better than I could. She promptly wrote two poetic responses, and last night while her awesome hubby, Steve Mitchell and the boys were rocking at the Bull Run in Lewisburg, we ducked outside for some gritty street poetry. I was thrilled to be able to record these for her and pass them along to Susan’s project.

It’s a horrendous thing, selling little girls into a slavery called marriage. I’m proud of Susan, the Priestess and the others who are fighting back for those who cannot. The international Day of the Girl is Thursday. Maybe you can pitch in and write something for the collection. Words are powerful. Let’s speak out.

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Thank you so much for your support on this heartbreaking issue!


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Thank you for drawing my attention to this project. I am in awe of you and Ann, and women like you who are taking on the fight. Thanks for letting me help in this small way. I appreciate it, Susan.


    2. Susan L Daniels says:

      …and I am doubly indebted to Noel and Dr. F for bringing it to my attention–it is amazing, the things we can do when we are called to see something we have been blinded to, and then are asked to lend our words to something this important.


    3. sonofwalt says:

      I don’t really pray much, but I pray we make a difference.


    4. Susan L Daniels says:

      Me too…


  2. slpmartin says:

    An issue that warrants far more attention than it gets.


    1. sonofwalt says:

      So true.


  3. David,
    So much to catch up on. One day I hope to go back to the various blogs and try and “catch up.” At this point, as you’ve likely been able to tell, I’m doing good to grab a few reads here and there, drop a comment or two and write and post a few poems.
    BUT I’m really glad I read your post this morning! This is such a sad and horrible issue and it really needs some focus. Thanks for the post (Ann’s poems are amazing) and for bringing the issue back into the light.




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