My Firstborn Hits 22, How is this Possible?

Was it that long ago already?

There is just no way I went from looking at pictures of your Kindergarten graduation Monday morning, to having a beer with you Monday night. Photos of you in a fireman’s hat, a conductor’s cap, sleeping in your stroller. Really? Twenty two years? I don’t feel old enough for that. Well, then again, my feet hurt like hell when I came home today, and my joints are not what they used to be. I mean to be honest, I was started young, but wow.

Maybe you and your brothers keep me young; maybe that’s the secret. Whatever it is, I want you to know, Josiah, that I am proud of how you turned out, proud of your work at school, the things you’ve done, the example you’ve been to younger kids, whether it be in sports, in youth group, the puppet productions or the local theater. You’ve got determination and a good heart, and I couldn’t be happier. My greatest dream for you has come true, that you have grown up to be a good man. Thanks for making your mom and I believe that we had something to do with it. 😉

I don’t have those baby and childhood pictures online yet, but here are just a few memories from just the last six years or so.

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15 Comments Add yours

  1. Yes…time surely flies..mine is 28 ! Belated Happy Birthday to your son.


  2. keatsbabe says:

    How lovely! My son also turns 22 in February next year – it is a strange feeling isn’t it? 21 was a coming of age, At 22 they are so obviously adults that one’s own life view really does have to change. Not sure my James would want a slideshow of all his best moments but I am tempted…:-)


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Haha, I even posted it on Facebook. I can still claim father’s right to embarrass him. 😉


  3. Wow! It does go by in a blur…


    1. sonofwalt says:

      It sure does! 🙂


  4. slpmartin says:

    Time does indeed fly by too quickly it seems…cheers!


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Thank you, friend!


  5. Bruce Ruston says:

    You are indeed lucky people enjoy it and SOW time has been kind to you 😀


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Aw, you are too sweet.


  6. A belated happy birthday to Josiah and kudos to his dad and mom on a job well done.


  7. Frightening, isn’t it? My FB was 22 in April. Can’t believe he survived me.

    Happy belated birthday to Josiah and well done Dad!


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Thank you, dear!


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