Have I Introduced You to the Other Poet in the Family?

You're filming a horse's what?
You’re filming a horse’s what?

Yes, I have three sons.

One is the Compassionate Scholar.

The second is the Bohemian Musician.

And the youngest is the Irascible Writer.

Each is different, and each possess a killer, nearly subversive sense of humor. Alas, I cannot fathom its origin.

For the moment, only the writer has a WordPress blog (that I know of), and. . . well, let’s just say their mother and I succeeded in instilling a sense of confidence and self-worth. Ah hem.  .  .

His last couple of posts are meant to illustrate his editing process. He is certain you’ll be mesmerized. I decided I had to share this link, since he wished me a happy birthday on it yesterday, and he was so very demanding.

A quick and breezy draft.

8 Comments Add yours

  1. John says:

    Yes, one does wonder where they get their subversive sense of humor from… can’t begin to imagine where….

    And, he is quiet brilliant at the poetry thing, isn’t he?


    1. Oh my god, John, the stuff I wrote when his age? Ick. . . He’s off to a much better start than I ever was.


    2. John says:

      If it turns out to be his passion, I could see him writing award-winning stuff…


    3. Me too. Stop reading this, Micah. Don’t let this go to your head. The last thing you want to ever do is start to slide by on our compliments. 😉


  2. Your son is a great writer! Thanks for sharing. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve been inspired to go back to bed…:o)


    1. Haha, yes, I wish I could live up to that inspiration this morning!


  3. John’s write though. My first book will definitely be called “award winning-stuff…”. The ellipses make it a little bit mysterious sounding.


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