30 Days, 30 Readings, Day #1 NaPoMo, William Stafford’s “When I Met My Muse”

American poet William Stafford (1914-1993)
American poet William Stafford (1914-1993) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So what are you doing to celebrate National Poetry Month? Some poets like K. McGee are writing a poem a day. Others like Rachel Bunting are busy with school and work and parenting and just hoping to participate and encourage others to celebrate. Please check out her blog for some great ideas about where to find good poetry prompts if you are interested in writing this month.

As for me, this year I thought that I would step up my pace at recording poetry readings on YouTube and attempt one reading every day. You can check out my Channel here or keep watching this space for daily updates. It should be a lot of fun.

I’ll include from time to time one of my original pieces, but right now I am scrutinizing and editing many of those for submission to various other places in print and on the net. I hope to be able to submit to at least 7 publications or contests this month, and I’ll try to keep you posted here on my progress.

You can also check out poets.org and sign up for their poem a day emails and how to get your hands on Poem in Your Pocket for national Poem in your Pocket Day on April 26th.

Here is Day one of 30 Readings, 30 Days. Wish me luck! And if you enjoy these, humor me and pass them on. Thanks!

14 Comments Add yours

  1. That is one hell of a beautiful Poem x


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Thank you, Joshua! It’s been one of my favorites for years. Most people know of Stafford from his poem “Travelling Through the Dark,” so I’ve been working on a playlist lately on YouTube of some of my favorite Stafford poems. He was a master.


    2. I wonder sir… Have you read ‘If’ By Kipling or ‘My Creed’ By Edgar Allen Guest… My two favourites which usually bring tears to my eyes they are that wonderful x


    3. sonofwalt says:

      Yes, Joshua. Both good poems. Maybe candidates for a reading, though the longer one, “If,” in particular might challenge me as far as the proper visuals for a video. Good stuff!


    4. I was thinking about doing the same thing and making a short based upon the same poem now i’m off set of my last film, Harvey Keitel Reads it beautifully 🙂


    5. sonofwalt says:

      Ooh! Do it. I’d love to see it. Is there a link to other videos you’ve done?


    6. i think i took most of them down, might be a few random ones i did when i was much younger but am in the writing stages of a new sketch show so maybe that will play out well 🙂


    7. sonofwalt says:

      Cool! Good luck


  2. I just subscribed! I love the poem. I love the way you read! I love that you’re doing this! hooray for you. hooray for poetry. and just for curiousity’s sake is there a number of poems that you WILL commit to writing this month? I’ve been at it 4 months now, so mysterious illnesses appearing!


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Yes you have, Ann! And I have been very much encouraged for it. Well, there is one that my dear muse woke me up to write on April first in the wee hours, which is why I needed a nap after work and why poem one came so late in the day… I’ve been in more of an editing, revising mode lately, but I should pick an number to shoot for new ones this month… hmmmm… is seven too few, but that’s for brand new ones, no previous notes or drafts, while I am compiling others to submit to seven other places…


  3. SonOfWalt (as in Whitman I assume??)
    Awesome pick for launching NaPoMo readings. I look forward to hearing the rest of the month’s picks… maybe I’ll write one (or you’ll find one on my blog) worthy of being included in this month’s readings.
    Thanks for the inspirational start to the month and for commenting on my blog. On a side note, is the background picture for your blog from Ireland? It’s a beautiful picture!




    1. sonofwalt says:

      Stephen, I’m so impressed you did the NaNoWriMo thing! Wow, that’s a lot. My short stories always turn into novels before they get away from me, never to return. I don’t have the proper focus I think. Yes, Walt refers to Whitman. I love, enjoy, and am sometimes embarrassed by him, as all children are by their parents. I had a professor once who made the case that Whitman was the father of modern poetry. I thought that makes me a son, and as I was looking for a screen name at the time… it stuck. 🙂

      I would love to do a reading of one of your pieces. I was just perusing a bit on your blog this morning. Some powerful lines, a good heart, and compelling insight you have.

      Yes, that background is on the Northern Ireland Coast, taken from Dunluce Castle, not far from the Giant’s Causeway. Some of my dearest friends/family on earth live in Northern Ireland. I’ve been there twice, and will see them in NYC this month! 🙂


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