What Poems to Choose?


I have been preparing all week for the first meeting of the Cross Keys Poetry Society. We’re meeting at the Priestley-Forsyth Memorial Library where I have been working these last few months. It’s the former site of the Cross Keys Inn here in Northumberland, Pennsylvania. You can imagine that I’m both excited and nervous. They’ve asked me to do poetry for adults at the library. I’m thrilled, and I have no idea beyond a few people, who is coming. Thus I have puzzled over where to start, and what poems to read.

The Priestley-Forsyth Memorial Library in Nort...
The Priestley-Forsyth Memorial Library in Northumberland, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, USA. It serves as the Northumberland Public Library and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you’re in the area we meet for the first time tonight, Tuesday July 15th, at 6:30 PM. I’d love to see you there. Otherwise, I hope to report back a successful and jaunty start to this new project later. For now, goodnight–I need some sleep!

I Sang

I SANG to you and the moon
But only the moon remembers.
I sang
O reckless free-hearted
free-throated rhythms,
Even the moon remembers them
And is kind to me.

–Carl Sandburg,

From the Chicago Poems, 1916

16 Comments Add yours

  1. marceltina says:

    Sounds fun….good luck with it all…love the little Sandburg poem ! kristine


    1. Thanks, Kristine. It was one of the first Sanburg poems I’d ever heard. I will share it this evening.


  2. Jen says:

    Love that Sandburg one. It’s gorgeous and moves my insides in all the right places.


    1. I agree! That’s the sort of thing I’m going for on this intro night.


  3. Oh, wish I could drop by – I know it will be the beginning of many wonderful evenings! K
    & just a postscript, I have been reading ee cummings again – such a master of the craft – filled with whimsy and power – might be a good one to bring to the group! ( and how obsolete is the term postscript now – smiles ) K

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, we will definitely have some Cummings fun. Thank you so much for the encouragement!


  4. Wish I could be there! I meet once a month with Stockport Write Out Loud. It’s an open mic session in an art gallery; though we don’t have a mic and tend to sit in a circle and discuss as much as we recite.

    Hope you find the right poems.


    1. It sounds a bit like the Poetry Under the Paintings. Some nights there is no mic, just a circle like you said, but either way, it’s always great to get people together around art and poetry, isn’t it?


    2. It is! I have written quite a few poems inspired by the work in the gallery 🙂


  5. SirenaTales says:

    Oooh, exciting! Hope the event was inspiring and lovely for you. Thank you for your support. Shine on….

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What a marvelous project. Your discussion group members are very lucky to have you leading–these are going to be wonderful gatherings.


    1. You have a way of making my evening whenever I read a comment from you, Jennifer. Thank you.


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