One Art, 17 Drafts

A little over a year ago I recorded again one of my all-time favorite poems, Elizabeth Bishop’s “One Art.” It was part of a recurring Valentine’s Day series called “Love Poems You Wish You Had Written.” I suppose the post is worth re-reading, especially since it mentions my favorite professor and celebrates the reunion of…

Love Poems You Wish You had Written, Elizabeth Bishop

Suzie has published her second Valentine poem of the week, a lovely and human piece by W. H. Auden, called “Lullaby.”  The deal this year is that we are posting requests, but I will tell you up front that this one was requested by nobody but me. It’s one of my favorite poems of all…

Do Not Go Gentle into That Work-shop

If you search and find a poetry workshop near you, I hope you can go into it, not gently, but with the passion of Dylan Thomas, who wrote for his blind, dying father the poem on which the title of this post is based. And if you think that’s cheesy, well, I hope you’ll forgive…

One Art, by Elizabeth Bishop

This is one of my favorite poems, and while Elizabeth Bishop has fun with the French Villanelle form, I have a little fun at the expense of my Irish brother, Vincent.