Affinities, in Crab Creek Review

I am excited to share with you a poem published in this spring’s edition of Crab Creek Review. If you’re a fan of Robert Lowell, you might see a bit of influence there from his poem “Skunk Hour,” which he dedicated to Elizabeth Bishop. It’s not just the appearance of the little striped “critters,” but…

Barely South Review and Other News

I’ve been so busy working with Word Fountain, the fantastic little literary magazine that my employers enable me to edit (along with three super-cool coworkers who are editors and artists for the mag.) that I forgot to post about the excellent lit mag Barely South Review where my poem “Advent” was recently published in their…

Of Rejections and Successes

There is so much I’d like to post about today, since I had been mostly absent of late. But before I get carried away talking about what and whom I’ve been reading, here’s a bit of an update, as promised, regarding what I myself have been writing. Well, I’ve been writing a lot of things,…