Skiing, Surfing, Journal Searching, and Jennifer Bullis

So, since our gathering here to sing “Auld Lang Syne,” I’ve been working on one of the chapbook manuscripts. Last night I sent that out, after editing and paring it down from 20 to 16 more solid poems in a better order. That’s two chapbooks out there circling the contest world, and one more in…

Where Do You Submit Your Poems? What Kind of Poems Do You Like?

Dear Poet Friends, A couple of days off from the restaurant means work time for the poet. I’ve been reading and researching, preparing for my next bout of submission campaigns. I read a lot. I read constantly, but I haven’t been reading enough current poetry and literary journals. Recently I’ve been trying to fix that….

Of Rejections and Successes

There is so much I’d like to post about today, since I had been mostly absent of late. But before I get carried away talking about what and whom I’ve been reading, here’s a bit of an update, as promised, regarding what I myself have been writing. Well, I’ve been writing a lot of things,…

After Long Business, I’m back.

Behold, faithful followers, I have returned after more or less a month of hiatus-ness. National Poetry Month in April always spurs me on to the writing of more of my own poems, but this year it has also spurred me on to the first serious, extended submission campaign of my life. I mean, I have…

Submissions and Rejections

I have solid proof that I have been once again submitting my poetry for publication; I have received my first rejection email! Whoo hoo! This truly is exciting. It at least proves I did something, even though the rejection was pretty standard, no personalized information, I take comfort in  knowing that I was acknowledged, if nothing…