Of News, Reviews, and Shaking the Blues

Shakin’ the Blues: Well, it takes one foot first, doesn’t it. Do you recall the song from that Christmas show of childhood, with young red-headed Santa helping the Warlock King to put “One Foot in Front of the Other?” Sometimes that’s what it takes to shake the blues. When I do not have the energy…

Of Rejections and Successes

There is so much I’d like to post about today, since I had been mostly absent of late. But before I get carried away talking about what and whom I’ve been reading, here’s a bit of an update, as promised, regarding what I myself have been writing. Well, I’ve been writing a lot of things,…

David Reads “An April Funeral in Pennsylvania,” by Jerry Wemple

Another Annoying Aside: Imagine my dismay when I found that tinkering with the dates of posts on WordPress invariably messes up outside links to them! I did not realize that some of those urls actually contained the publishing date (This one already appears not to. Yeah, I’m confused too.)! Ah well, fortunately the links do…

Marjorie and Jerry at Midtown

Sadly this is the last of the Midtown recordings, unless I can manage to download the podcast and use clips from it. Don’t know what I would do visually though, and I probably  need the permission of either the Midtown Scholar or the Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel. I’ll give it some thought. The problem is…

Midtown with Jack and Jerry

Poets in their natural habitat: bookstores! Here is the first of the video clips I’ve been able to edit from the Midtown Scholar bookstore. This event was later the same day as our Capitol readings in Harrisburg. After the stress of the professional camera, the meeting of the governor’s wife, who was very classy, smart…