Saturday Song with Sting

I am trying to be a busy, or at least a productive, writer today. Clearing off my desk, sorting through my notes, preparing my files. I have been getting announcements out about the coming publication of my debut chapbook and I have a list of book reviews and other projects to plot and produce. So in…

Vader, Monkey, Sting and a Fresh Start

Happy first day of 2013 to you!  I already covered my new year post last time, but while looking at my stats the other day I found something from four years ago that gave me the giggles, and I wanted to share it with you on the dawn of this new year. In the blogging…

Healing, Music, Poetry and the New Year

Thoughts on “Aud Lang Syne,” Captain Kirk, Robert Burns, Sting and the Indigo Girls Many of us will be singing the song tomorrow night, just after our first kiss of 2013, and quite possibly we’ll be pondering the many memories attached to a life-time of songs from our past, not just this past year. The…