Proud Father Post #497

While I have been told by a certain brother of mine(whom I love, despite his naivete) that my liking “every single post” Monkey Prodigy makes is a threat to his credibility, I must point out that someone’s son has been writing some awesome poetry and doing some excellent writing about writing over on his blog lately. Here’s a taste:


17 Comments Add yours

  1. slpmartin says:

    Sounds like proud father to me and a son’s typical response. ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Now, I should point out, and I edited the post to make it more clear, it was my brother, not his who said that about credibility. ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. Jane says:

    Such a proud papa.. then again putting filth and gold in the one poem is pretty cool no matter the writers genealogy ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. Ann Keeler Evans says:

    lovely, and so timely…


  4. kristine byrne says:

    Got to read this one..internet better at the mo…!


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Yay! ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope your travels are going well.


  5. Colin says:

    I’m trying to think how I would feel if my dad read my blog and commented on every post. ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m not sure my feelings of horror and crawl-under-the-bed-need is applicable in this situation though. ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Thank you. That may be part of it too. I’ve seriously discussed it with the Monkey himself, and I feel satisfied that his laughing at my brother’s reaction is genuine, and that Micah and I have a better than normal relationship, as both father and son and fellow bloggers. He tends to ask for my opinion, and often links (pings) back to me for the very purpose of having a dialogue between our two blogs. I am honored by that kind of respect, and wouldn’t want to presume upon my welcome. But I think I can trust my instincts here, and well, my brother, like the rest of us in the family likes to be a know-it-all. So I’m content to leave him to his opinion, and invite him to actually know us a little better. I’m not naive enough to think that there are some things my son doesn’t want me to read, but he wouldn’t be putting those here on WordPress, and then immediately linking to the blog I’ve had here for years, now would he?

      Thanks for your insight, Colin. You are an impressive young man yourself.


  6. sonofwalt says:

    By the way, for anyone still reading these comments, I would like to point out that WordPress, blogging at large, and indeed html coding itself remains anti-poetry. Except for the puzzling existence of “prose poetry” (something even I have dabbled in, despite my belief in it’s contradictory nature), poetry is all about the line. The line ends, not where the word-processing software says, but where the poet says. Please go to Micah’s original post to see his poem in correct lined form.


  7. I’m sure that a) you do like everything he writes and b) you point out if you think he’s going wrong/could improve something, even if you do it privately.


    1. And that’s exactly what we do, point out each other’s typos, etc, but privately. ๐Ÿ˜‰ That doesn’t mean we always bother to go back and edit.


    2. sonofwalt says:

      And sometimes we actually post and comment accidentally as each other. Ah hem. . . Sorry.


    3. Yeah. Not usually.


    4. sonofwalt says:

      Why can’t I like your comment?!


  8. angryricky says:

    There’s nothing wrong with hitting Like every time, if you’re being honest. And I believe you are. Besides, the word credibility implies a critical audience. Does your brother think your son’s blog is being read by the editors at Doubleday and Random House, who would notice your multiple Likes and sneer, assuming that your kid was trying to inflate his statistics? Dude. Yikes.


    1. sonofwalt says:

      Yeah, I love him, but he’s a little intense. I wonder if that runs in the family. Honestly it kinda irked me a bit, but he’s the only supportive sibling I have, so I just kinda let it slide.

      . . . well, except for writing all over the blog about it. . . um, yeah.


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